Nick Elsewhere

Like Monkey, the nature of Nick is irrepressible! He can be found in all sorts of places all over the web. Below are links to several Sanctuary related pages and some of his profiles on social networking platforms:

Nick's Sanctuary - The Inner Sanctum
The Inner Sanctum is a more private area within Nick's Sanctuary. It is where Nick explores issues of a more personal nature. Only a select few have access to this area, please do not be offended if you try the link and discover you are unable to access to it.

Nick's Sanctuary - The Library
The Library is an Amazon mini site that has a growing catalogue of items Nick has read, watched or listened to that may be of interest to you.

Nick on Twitter

Nick on Facebook

Nick on YouTube

Nick on Last.FM

Nick on Google+

Nick on Myspace
The ideas and thoughts represented in this page's plain text are unless otherwise stated reserved for the author. Please feel free to copy anything that inspires you, but provide a link to the original author when doing so.
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