Thursday, January 07, 2010

2010: The Year We Make Contact?

Happy New Year!

I really ought to get back here more often... I had a brief flurry towards the end of the year but the wheels dropped off the wagon again.

So... once again - Happy New Year!

I can't quite begin to explain adequately how I feel about 2010. I am sorely aware that for many people known to me, it's already got off to a rough start. The past couple of days have also seen me feeling a little melancholic about the way people relate to me (or rather fail to), and feeling a little sapped of energy.

However I have to say that as I took my customary post midnight walk on January 1st (I like to watch the people celebrating in the streets),  something struck me.

I looked up at the night sky... it wasn't entirely clear, clouds obscured many of the stars. As I gazed upon the celestial bodies far above me, I noticed that they seemed to be shining with a brilliance that seems to me to have been lacking for quite some time.

It was this simple sight that triggered a response, an epiphany within me. I just have this really optimistic feeling about 2010. Yes, it's a new year and yes, it's the start of a new decade (although some argue that it shouldn't be until next year), but my feeling transcends more than the resetting of a chronological system. I just have this sensation that metaphorically speaking, I have had a glimpse of a shining city on a hill in the distance.

Since that time I've had things thrown at me that seek to rob me of this experience... but in my mind that just confirms and clarifies it all the more.

I don't know what 2010 will bring, but I'm trusting that personally it will be a good one... and I hope the same for you. One things for certain, I hope to share my 2010 odyssey with you a more than I did my 2009 one.

Here's to 2010, may God bless us all!

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