Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Don't Get in a Flap

I think i managed to navigate April Fool's Day pretty much unscathed today... how about you?

Did anyone catch the hilarious April Fool's gag/BBC iPlayer advert that ran this morning. What is unique about it, is that the story was apparently broken as a joint effort on the part of the BBC, GMTV and at least one national newspaper.

It's not unusual for the media to pull stunts to commemorate the date, but this is the first time I can think of when differing media companies have conspired together on the same story, to increase the chances of some poor gullible sap falling for it.

The Beeb have done well out of it, as the trailer serves as an advert for their iPlayer service.

If you didn't see it, here is the clip in question:

All that it remains for me to do, is say that I hope you enjoyed this day of fiendish pranks, tall tales and good natured hilarity... and that you survived it relatively unscathed.

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