Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A Little Light Relief

As I'm sure you have noticed, a lot of the outbound traffic from my blog of late has either been sombre or theologically heavy going... sometimes it's been both.

I thought it was high time to post something on a somewhat lighter if not brighter note...

My mother has struck again! I was hoping to do my laundry as usual on Saturday evening (I don't think my colleagues would approve if I turned up naked), and was struggling to find any detergent (we normally use liquitabs). So I pestered mum about where they might be. Now, seeing as she had become thoroughly absorbed in a chat room, it is fair to say that she was not overly impressed. She insisted - with a heavy dose of righteous indignation, that there were definitely some liquitabs in the cupboard and that I needed to look harder... and that she would be pretty cheesed off, if she had to come in and find them for me.

Needless to say, I didn't take the hint.

So into the kitchen stomped Mum, who promptly produced a pack of liquitabs from the cupboard... looked me squarely in the eyes and said "what do you think these are?"

To which I pointed out that what she had in her hands were dishwasher tabs, not washing machine ones.

Blank look for about 10 seconds.

Which was followed by a mild profanity and the admission that she had been doing all her laundry for a week with the dishwasher detergent.

As a friend later pointed out... at least her smalls were all squeaky clean!

It's not even as if they look remotely the same though:

Would you get them confused?

1 comment:

  1. Glorious! I knew there was a reason not to have a dishwasher! Less room for confusion!



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