Friday, October 13, 2006

Off to the Lakes

Righto I'm off shortly for a brief sojourn in Millom and the Lake District.

I'm packed and ready to go and all the striding around I;ve been doing in the absence of a car, should stand me in good stead for the likes of Jake's Rake and whatever else Steve, Rob, Mike and myself attempt to scale!

You can see some of last year's escapades here. I'll try and bring back some fancy shots this time. Weather is looking good for October and we should be above the cloud on a couple of occasions if we are fortunate.

It'd be good to see some goodwill messages for when I return.

God bless you all in my absence.

Nick (Pictured below: Nick, Steve, Mike)

1 comment:

  1. Have a great time, and I hope you bring back some great pics.

    Thanks for stopping by my little blog, by the way.


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