Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Monastery

I was fascinated by BBC 2's "The Monastery" documentary/experiment. It's been interesting to watch the personal journey of five men, from varied backgrounds, as they struggled to cope with monastic life for 40 days.

The monks always appeared placid, even in the midst of hostility and confrontation amongst their guests.

Tony, was a soft porn director at the start of the programme, and despite his growing spirituality he was never going to jack the job in. That was until the last two days. It was plain to see that the man had been moved by the presence of God, even if he didn't understand the depth of the experience he had received. Nevertheless upon returning to the "real" world, Tony eventually packed up his job because it was at odds with what he was coming to know. That took courage!
All of the men, came on leaps and bounds, one even considered the priesthood.
It just goes to show that if you are prepared to give God time... and not just five minutes. REAL time, time enough in the quiet to rid your head and heart of worldly stuff, he himself will eventually more than fill the vacuum.
Draw near to God... and he'll draw near to you.

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